5 Fun Wedding Ideas

Fun Wedding Ideas

You’ve done the seating plan, finalised timings for the day and you’re feeling completely in control but there is just one niggling thought – I want some fun wedding ideas to make sure all my guests have an amazing time! You can have the most wonderful food and a flowing bar but how do you keep your guests entertained? There’s lots of things you can do to inject some extra fun into your day that don’t cost a fortune! Here are some fun wedding ideas, which will make sure you have a memorable wedding reception, which your guests will love:


Get your tables to have a sing off:

When everyone sits down, a great way to break the ice and get everyone relaxed is to get everyone singing. Give each table a line of a well-known song and then get your MC and musicians to kick off the singing. You can give a prize for the best (loudest) table. It works really well for Christmas weddings. You can have the tables each sing one of the 12 days of Christmas.


Get some props:

Everyone loves getting dressed up! Again, it will break the ice and get everyone laughing. You could set up a big box of props next to the dance floor or buy everyone a hat. Or put some moustaches on each table. Amazon is a great place to source bulk fancy dress. Its inexpensive and you can get some other fun wedding ideas along the way. All your guests will have an amazing time and you’ll also get some great photos. If your budget will stretch to a photobooth then you can get some hilarious photos and props all in one.


Get some pearls of wisdom:

Leave advice or prediction cards on your guest places and ask your guests to give you their top tips for a happy marriage. It gives your guests something to talk about and discuss which can be a lifesaver if people are sat next to people they don’t know. You’ll also get a box full of hilarious notes to read through and cherish for the years to come.


Fun centre pieces:

Have fun with your centre pieces; you don’t just have to have flowers. A really fun wedding idea is to leave all kinds of silly games on the tables to make your guests laugh and entertain the big kids among your guests! You could put bubbles on the table or peashooters. Or what about some glitter? Again, Amazon is best place to get bargain toys and get lots of other inspiration for fun wedding ideas.


Wedding Speech Bingo :

The wedding speeches can always be a bit hit or miss. When they hit the right note it can be the best part of the wedding. But if they go on a bit long or have too many in jokes, some guests can get bored. This is where wedding speech bingo can go down amazingly! Give your guests bingo guards with well-known phrases or clichés from wedding speeches and then the first person to complete a full line wins a prize! There are lots of free printable bingo cards available to download online.

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